Wednesday 9 June 2010

A very generous benefactor

News this week, as we returned from half-term, to warm the soul. For the second time, a lady has left a legacy gift of more than a million pounds to our Bursary Fund. The first had no family connection to MGS, so it was extraordinary that, from her home on the Fylde Coast, she chose our charity to support. She had been an early graduate of Manchester University, and saw that our Bursary Appeal, started in 1998, would help bright boys from poor homes to make the best of themselves for their own and society's sake.

This second lady was the widow of an Old Mancunian. I imagine that, before he died and left his estate to her, he asked her in due course to include MGS in her will. This is by no means the first time that this kind of arrangement has been acted out, but the amount is exceptional. I find it very touching that such gifts from women come to this all-boys school in loving memory of their husbands.

This gift will provide at least four additional means-tested bursary places here in perpetuity. Over time, that will be a lot of young men to be grateful to this couple of benefactors of the school. It will also reduce, but sadly not yet to zero, the number of deserving, bright boys we have to turn away each year for lack of bursary funding. For the moment, let's enjoy the positive rather than rue the negative. Thank you, in memory, Mr & Mrs Entwisle.

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