Tuesday 29 June 2010

The most beautiful cathedral?

Does Exeter have the most beautiful cathedral in the land? Many would say so, and my annual visit last Sunday renewed my enthusiam for this wonderful, light-filled building, which is full of interest and architectural beauty.

Members of the South-West Section of the Old Mancunians' Association always meet towards the end of June, close to the birthday of Hugh Oldham, former Bishop of Exeter and Founder of Manchester Grammar School, to honour his memory. The cathedral authorities are very helpful in shaping Mattins around this occasion, and this year Canon Carl Turner gave a really lively sermon inspired by the Adventure theme obvious at the school's website.

We have a special short service after Mattins outside the side-chapel where Bishop Oldham is buried, and we lay a wreath.

Then we retire to the Southgate Hotel for a delicious lunch and brief speeches, this year from me, standing in for the High Master, and from the newly appointed School Captain and Simon Jones, who is taking over as full-time Director of Development. Then a brief AGM and back into the car for the long drive home, this year made miserable by the commentary on England's departure from the World Cup. A pity that, but bearable in the context of another visit to my favourite cathedral.

1 comment:

  1. It is my favourite too. I love Durham and Salisbury as well but Exeter is so full of light.
