One of MGS's great teachers of modern times was Ian Leverton, first Head of Russian and subsequently Head of Modern Foreign Languages, who died tragically young. He is said to have taught largely through the language and imagery of football, so the first Russian sentence a 13 year old learned might have been 'That's a thundering shot from outside the box'. One of the many MGS soccer teams he successfully coached, the lads of 1976 to 1983, presented a trophy in his memory this year to be awarded annually to the highest goal scorer of the season, and this was duly awarded by Rodger Alderson to Felix Shalom (U12, 29 goals) in Prizegiving this morning.
The 2009-2010 school year has now officially ended, but the Development Office staff will be in action for most of the summer break. I'm off for 2 weeks in Austria with the 'Old Trekkers' Trek' - a hut-to-hut walking tour at, hopefully, a leisurely pace, but will be around again from the end of the month.
If anyone can recall or has access to the route of the Dolomites trek of 1961 (plus or minus a year), would be appreciated if you could send msg to Many thx